Tag Archives: Pop Culture

Fairy godmother?

Poster by Luke Dacey for the movie The Usual Suspects

I am watching The Usual Suspects on YouTube. This silly TV version has dubbed out the swearing.

One of the classic, idiotic dubs is “fairy godmother.” Fairy godmother? Fairy godmother?! I am pretty sure the fairy replaces the F word. I am not sure about the godmother part. I do not know the movie that well, line-for-line. Co—ucker?

This reminds me of the edits in Die Hard. One is “Mr. Falcon,” which came up on a Conan episode, part of quite a funny segment.

By the way, I was recently banned from Twitter for describing someone, a politician, with the word whore. One of the hall monitors at Twitter HQ did not like that and promptly banished me from the kingdom.


“It is commonplace to observe that Christmas is increasingly a pagan festival.” Sad but true.

“It is commonplace to observe that Christmas is increasingly a pagan festival,” wrote Matt Ridley for the Times of London. Ridley explained the pagan foundations of this major holiday, as well as other traditional Christian holidays like Easter and Halloween. He concluded, however, that the pagan origins do not make the spirit of the holidays “less worthwhile.”


Hugh Hefner was a descendant of Puritan leader William Bradford.

Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy magazine and an ensuing media empire, recently died at the age of 91. And feminist icon Camille Paglia had a few thoughts.

“Hefner’s new vision of American masculinity was part of his desperate revision of his own Puritan heritage. On his father’s side, he descended directly from William Bradford, who came over on the Mayflower and was governor of Plymouth Colony, the major settlement of New England Puritans.”

An interesting take on Hefner and the sexual revolution.



Happy 74th birthday, Mr. Christopher Walken


Who knew? Actor Christopher Walken shares a birthday with my uncle.

Walken is “one of the most distinctive film actors of the past 50 years. Whether he’s playing an analog of Macduff in a wacko modernization of Macbeth, the ghost of a malicious Hessian mercenary or any one of a hundred other roles, you won’t mistake him for anyone else.”

There’s only one way to celebrate! And be sure not to walk without rhythm this weekend.


Crossfire! With three actors named Robert — Robert Young, Robert Mitchum, Robert Ryan.


Just finished watching Crossfire, a film made in 1947, the year my parents were born. It’s a good film, with shockingly modern themes. I have many thoughts on it, which I will have to write about later, besides what I have already tweeted on the Twitter. These topics go well beyond the film itself, to subjects such as McCarthyism and the Red Scare, liberalism in Hollywood, etc.
