Tag Archives: Television

Fairy godmother?

Poster by Luke Dacey for the movie The Usual Suspects

I am watching The Usual Suspects on YouTube. This silly TV version has dubbed out the swearing.

One of the classic, idiotic dubs is “fairy godmother.” Fairy godmother? Fairy godmother?! I am pretty sure the fairy replaces the F word. I am not sure about the godmother part. I do not know the movie that well, line-for-line. Co—ucker?

This reminds me of the edits in Die Hard. One is “Mr. Falcon,” which came up on a Conan episode, part of quite a funny segment.

By the way, I was recently banned from Twitter for describing someone, a politician, with the word whore. One of the hall monitors at Twitter HQ did not like that and promptly banished me from the kingdom.


RIP, Fox News’ Red Eye. I will miss thee. 📺

I have Fox News to thank for introducing me to the likes of Andrew Breitbart, Greg Gutfeld, Bill Schulz, Mike Baker, Jim Norton, and many other gems of humanity via its late night, early morning show Red Eye, which network execs have axed after a solid run just shy of a decade.

Sadly, Fox News needs more hip, relevant shows, not less. So the cancellation may signal a move in the wrong direction.

For a bit of nostalgia, just hit the YouTube. Thankfully, memorable clips of the show will live on.



This is the face of tolerance?

The preachy Hollywood crowd is going rabid.


I am beginning to really hate Hollywood and what it represents. Mental illness, and that’s what transgenderism is, needs to be treated not embraced. There are two genders, not three or four or forty.

Men trying to become women, and vice versa, is a disturbing trend. Living in Seattle, I have a few friends who are going down this road. Most are men trying to be feminine for whatever reason. Quite frankly I don’t care. If that’s your thing, then fine. But why drag me into it?

It’s fairly easy to play dress up and wear makeup. It makes you stand out from the crowd, and today it is celebrated. We must be accepting of everything, except traditionalism and conservatism, of course.

But going all the way is another story. I’d like to see some data on how many trans men go through with castration.

Obviously there is something wrong. But no one dares broach the subject or forever be deemed a bigot.

Being confused about your gender isn’t something to embrace.


Ah, Tokyo 🗼🗾

Wish I had spent more time there. Screw China, Japan is the place to be, when in that part of the world!

By the way, if you don’t know who Jordan Schlansky is, just Google him or visit his Team Coco page. Watch and enjoy the many clips on the YouTube.


There’s nothing better than a good villain.

Grand Admiral Thrawn is a complex, multi-faceted character and the primary antagonist in the third season of Star Wars Rebels.

I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since first seeing Return of the Jedi on network TV back in the Eighties or Nineties.¹

I didn’t care for the prequels, but did enjoy watching second rendition of The Clone Wars and its successor, Star Wars Rebels, which is currently in its third season. Despite being aired on Disney XD, an obscure outlet, I look for illegal copies online to watch, mostly on YouTube.

The central villain of season three is Grand Admiral Thrawn. His portrayal is terrific. I just hope we get to see more of him.

Darth Maul was another wonderful creation and killing him off at the end of The Phantom Menace was a serious blunder.


1. And the video clip on YouTube is from an old VHS tape with the actual broadcast from KGW, channel 8, in Portland, Oregon, no less. That’s exactly what I was watching.

“When Dad starts talking, I will open the door. You follow me.”

I’ve been watching and rewatching this video for a day or so.

I really feel for that mother. I hope the parents aren’t embarrassed. They are viral now.

These kids have provided a nice little highlight to the week, which has been mostly boringly dull.

If I had been that BBC News anchor I would have changed directions, ignoring the teleprompter, and delving into who these adorable tots are.

“Looks like we have some visitors.”

“Now, what is it like working from home?”

“Who are these little crumb crunchers?”

“Hi, what’s your name?”

“How old are you?”

Then, after the mom rushes in and ushers the two party crashers out, I’d focus on the father and fatherhood.

“What’s it like being a father?”

“No worries, you two. Thanks for being with us. And thank your wife and the two little ones for joining us, too.”

God bless ’em!
